End Period Poverty Initiative with 1000 Hills Community Helpers

04 April 2022 | Shannen Harte


As a registered non-profit organisation in the valley of 1000 Hills, Kwazulu-Natal, we work closely with our local high schools in the area. Our goal is to end period poverty by giving each young girl the chance to be able to feel confident and school ready. We aim to do this by receiving donations of sanitary pads from South African Companies who are willing and able, as well as from the public.

Sadly, what is seen to most as a necessity is often considered a luxury within our impoverished community. Many girls do not have access to sanitary pads and hygiene products which in many cases prevents these girls from attending school. 

With our initiative we want to change this, we want to be able to provide these girls with the necessary personal care items that they should all have access to, for an overall improved quality of life. 

To put our initiative into perspective, if each person reading this letter donated just one pack of sanitary pads, think of the difference we could make to the lives of these girls. At a small cost you could change the life of a young girl in need.

Our goal is to reach 1000 beneficiaries in need, we accept donations in kind as well as monetary donations. Through our excellent reputation of accountability and transparency, you can feel assured that your contribution will go to these girls in need. We are Level 1 BEE and have been established for 30 years.