Introducing Sam Pam

20 July 2023 | Shannen Harte

Over the past three months, Sam Pam, who works under the operation Sukuma Sakhe, has been working closely with us and our community care givers to assist the many families in need, specifically those cases of abuse, child headed households, abandonment, and gender-based violence. Sam Pam works around the clock to help the victims of such cases, even working most weekends, in his own time. His dedication to helping others is something we really value and the difference he is making is too wonderful for words. Sam Pam has also helped countless members of our community to apply successfully for SASSA grants, birth certificates and identification documents. When chatting to Sam Pam, we asked him why he chose to do this type of work, and his response was "I came from nothing, I was very poor, I wanted to make a difference to the lives of people who were suffering, just like I once was."