Winter Is Here

15 May 2019 | Shannen Harte

Just in time for Winter, we had been given a donation of these beautiful beanies!!! Absolutely wonderful timing.

Thank you to everyone who put in so much love and effort to ensure a warmer winter in the valley. We are in great need of warm clothing and blankets for Winter, please friends lets continue to collect donations for those in need.

If you ever come across a time where you think "I no longer need this jersey, I no longer need these socks" just remember that this could mean the world of difference to someone who has nothing, as they say, "One mans trash is another mans treasure " those words we know to be true.

The children you see in the picture are from the local school, they come in each afternoon for a warm and nutritious meal ( Thanks to ADD HOPE ) , not only do they rely on us for their meal, they also rely on us for other things including school uniforms, shoes, underwear and even their stationary supplies. 

On a busy afternoon, we see an average of 600 children who come rushing into their "safe place ", the local schools do not provide them with their needs so they rely on us for refuge.

Each and every child is so special and it is up to us to steer them in the right direction enabling them to live up to their full potential.