KFC Add Hope, Success Story: Lucia

03 March 2021 | Shannen Harte

It has always been our goal here at our Home of Love to nurture and watch our children grow, in a loving, kind and respectful environment. Through the support of KFC ADD HOPE, we have been able to change the lives of many young children living in poverty. 

Lucia is one of our children who has really come a long way, starting with us as a baby, Lucia's mother did not want to take care of her, in turn, the responsibility fell onto our shoulders to try and find this little baby a loving home. 

Thanks to our wonderful team of community caregivers, Nini offered to look after Lucia, taking her in as one of her own. 

Five years later and Lucia has graduated from our Grade R here at Ikhaya Lo Thando and we couldn't be more proud of her. She has grown to be a loving, kind and happy little girl who loves her Nini dearly. 

Through the support of ADD HOPE, we were able to nurture this beautiful child from birth, and we are just so proud of how far she has come.