We rely entirely on donations from our generous supporters. In-kind donations are vital to 1000 HCH’s ability to reduce our daily running costs and, the sourcing of non-cash or donations and value-added services are essential to the effective daily functioning of our community centre.
Donations can be made via Bank Transfer, Direct Deposit or Debit Order into the following bank account:
Name: 1000 Hills Community Helpers
Bank: NedBank
Branch: Hillcrest
Branch Code: 133826
Account Number: 1338080571
In order for us to acknowledge any donations, please send us a quick email with the following information:
Contact Name and Number
Postal and/or email address
Date and amount deposited
Method of donation
Also, a copy of the deposit slip can be faxed (+27 (0)31 783 4254) or emailed to us at 1000hch@zamail.co.za
Please note that PBO (Public Benefit Organisation) certificate and BBBEE Letters of compliance are made available to donors in order to achieve points for their BBEEE scorecards. In some instances, up to 25 points can be earned towards this scorecard.
Charity Number: NPO 042122
PBO Number: 930020228
If you have any questions or enquires, please contact us.
Don't forget to swipe your MySchool Card for 1000 Hills Community Helpers :) For those of you who did not know, we are part of the MySchool Programme and, every swipe goes towards our 1000 Hills Kids. If you do not have a MySchool Card, no stress, it takes 5 minutes to sign up for one!
View the MySchool Website for more information. Make a difference. Change a life. All it takes is one swipe.